highly sought after graduates with a focus on
making tomorrow better.
WASM is here to stay with a long term
plan, but it can’t be done without the
generous, longstanding support of many
organisations, including the WA Mining
Club, and we will be asking for continued
support to enable WASM to increase the
number of quality graduates that serve
our great industry.
Left: Entrance to WASM’s
new mining simulator, on display
at Diggers and Dealers Expo
Father & son team working at Panoramic’s Savannah Nickel Mine.
Panoramic Resources
is an S&P/ASXTop 200 company
with a growing nickel, gold and PGM resource base
and a workforce of more than 500 people.
w w w . p a n o r a m i c r e s o u r c e s . c o m
A mining engineering student tries out the new mining simulator