to 15Mtpa by 2015, by which time Atlas expects to have access
to a rail line.”
As well as enabling Atlas to lift production beyond 15Mtpa,
rail transport will allow Atlas to access a host of iron ore
resources in the south-east Pilbara, marking what Atlas refers to
as its Horizon 2 development phase.
It is these deposits that will complete the Atlas strategy of
establishing a steady production rate of up to 46Mtpa, fully
utilising its port capacity and generating strong and growing
cash flows in the process.
The pieces of the jigsaw are coming together as planned,”
Ken Brinsden says. “We have the resources and the port capacity,
and the high potential of a combined road-rail transport solution.
We also have the underlying cash flow to ensure we can fund
this remarkable growth trajectory.
In light of this, we are confident that we will deliver on our
strategy to become a world-scale Pilbara iron ore exporter – in
very rapid time.”
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Port capacity is a crucial piece of the iron ore jigsaw
The pieces of the
jigsaw are coming
together as planned.
We have the resources,
and the port capacity, and
the high potential of
a combined road-rail
transport solution.
We also have the
underlying cash flow
to ensure we can
fund this remarkable
growth trajectory.