material is transported by conveyor to some of the largest
grinding mills in the world. The mills produce a fine ore
stream which is screened before entering magnetic separators
that separate the ore from the waste. The concentrate is then
thickened, stored and then pumped via pipeline in slurry-form
kilometres to the port, where it is filtered to reduce moisture.
It is then ready for export.
There are two critical inputs when it comes to this process
power and water. In both areas, CPM has built dedicated
infrastructure that satisfy the needs of a megaproject, while
minimising the impact on the environment.
The 450 megawatt low-emission, high efficiency combined
cycle gas-fired power station produces about 40% less carbon
emissions compared to a conventional open-cycle plant. It
won ‘Best Industrial Energy Efficiency Project’ at the Energy
Efficiency Council awards in 2012.
Equally impressive is the 51 gigalitre desalination plant,
located at the port and built to help conserve the region’s
precious water supplies. It is the first large desalination plant
specifically constructed for a resources project in Western
Australia and comparable in capacity to the Perth seawater
desalination plant. The plant can produce 70 megalitres of water
per day, with a final capacity of 140 megalitres per day. This is
the equivalent of 56 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
The project’s approach to power and water supply is part
of its wider commitment to sustainable mining practices that
minimise impacts on the natural environment.
Last year CPM won ‘Excellence in Environmental
Management’ at the Australian Mining Prospect
Images courtesy of
Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Woodside Energy Ltd
and Sinosteel Midwest Corporation.
The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia
CME) is the peak resources sector representative body in
Western Australia.
CME is a persuasive industry voice, adding value to
our member companies in a dynamic and increasingly
complex operating environment.
CME strives to:
policy development on issues impacting on the
resources sector
the value of the sector to the community
the views and advocate the needs of
our members
an avenue for collaboration among
membership and stakeholders.
CME represents companies directly involved in the
resources sector, including mining, oil and gas and
those providing mining services in WA. CME’s member
companies generate 95 per cent of all mineral and energy
production value in Western Australia.
For more information please visit
or contact CME:
T: (08) 9220 8504
Championing the WA
Resources Sector
CITIC Pacific Mining’s 450MW power station
Stacking iron ore concentrate
at the port stockyard